Merkadia Business Intelligence

May 10, 2023

What is sales forecast?

What is sales forecast?

The sales forecast aims to study sales behavior, generating goals, forecast results, and commercial follow-up. It is used so the manager can act before a problem or to achieve a specific purpose.

In addition, it allows the entrepreneur to know how much the company can grow in the short, medium and long term, offering the possibility of understanding with more security how much can be invested and the percentage of discount that can be provided, among other forecasts.

Keep reading our article to find out more!


What is sales forecast?

The sales forecast would be an estimate or revenue forecast for a given period, based on accurate data (such as performance indicators) about the experience of sellers, customers, and negotiations.

Thus, there is a way for the company to have a correct billing forecast and an accurate estimate of future results.


How does the sales forecast work?

It is possible to project future sales by identifying trends, analyzing historical data and market and customer analysis. This projection can be made with statistical models, machine learning algorithms or simply applying a growth rate with past sales.

Understanding the results that the business can achieve is fundamental for making strategic decisions and for an assertive action plan. From this, it is possible to define more specific goals and objectives, identify opportunities for growth and know more efficiently where to direct resources.


Benefits of sales forecast for a company

The forecast results show business growth and direct the investments and strategies that can be adopted. In addition, it assists in planning and monitoring compliance with actions, indicating the need to adjust goals or follow through with what had been planned. In this way, it shows whether the sales team, for example, managed to reach the monthly goal, how much remains to be achieved and what actions need to be taken.

Check out more benefits:

  • It places the company's management in a solid and secure position in decision-making;
  • Brings a solid perspective of performance/results from planning;
  • It brings a concrete scenario instead of assumptions and guesses;
  • Helps to draw up assertive strategies;
  • Brings financial forecast and security for investments;
  • It helps to understand the customer better.

How to make a sales forecast?

  • Have a structured sales process;
  • Create your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile);
  • Take into account external factors;
  • Calculate the average sales ticket;
  • Find out the conversion rate;
  • Reach the average sales value;
  • Invest in performance indicators and business intelligence.

We can help your company in the sales forecast implementation process. We help businesses to improve commercial results, and we are certified in the area of business intelligence.

Get in touch with us to find out more!

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